Re: [NTLK] Noteworthy GPS Card

From: Paul Nuernberger (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 01:17:32 EDT

You have the teletype software for the Newton ???

Paul Nuernberger

> From: "Ermin F. Mistica" <>
> Hello all,
> I just bought a Noteworthy GPS card. I am so excited! So
> far I haven't downloaded any GPS software yet (the SW I have is on Mac disks
> and
> I have a PC). What I do know is that the Newton at least recognizes the card
> and
> reads "A Communications Card Has Been Inserted". That's good, right? I have
> the
> Teletype GPS software. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what SW they
> have used and been successful with? Thanks for any helpful thoughts and
> ideas.

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