Re: [NTLK] Accessing Net over a Windoze lan

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 00:07:42 EDT

on 21/08/01 17:47, Tom Wilkinson at wrote:

> Newbie Question:
> Can a Newton access the Internet over a Windows ethernet lan that uses a
> software proxy server that allows the client machines to access the net
> using the ip address of the host machine?
> Will the Windows software proxy server recognize and distribute the incoming
> requests from the Newton?
> If so, I know you have to assign the Newton an IP address, but what do you
> put for the gateway router address? Is that the IP address of the TCP
> protocol on the Windows machine running the proxy server?
> And what about primary DNS and name server address? What info goes there, if
> indeed, the Newton will connect over a Windows peer to peer lan.
> And what this newbie should have asked first, is there a Net connect faq?

I'm not the most experienced about network, but the way I see it, you need
to have an IP address. It would be easier if you have a Windows machine
acting as a DHCP server, but a static address would do. If you have a static
address, you will need to know the DNS server's address, and the gateway's
address. AFAIK, you need a proxy to get outside of your network. So, for
instance, in NetHopper, you can configure the proxy server's address there
so that NetHopper will know that it has to go through the server, send the
authentication and such. Usually, the proxy information must be known by the
application that will make such outgoing access.

All the addressing info should be provided to you by your network
administrator. Like I said, if they're using a DHCP server, that's easy. You
just have to set your internet setup to use a DHCP server, and the Newton
will do the rest. If your network administrator provides you with a static
address, he should also provide the primary DNS and the gateway. You would
enter those information in the internet setup that you would use at your
office. It's very easy to configure.


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

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