> From: "Gerstein, Sam" <Sam.Gerstein_at_BOS.StreamServe.com>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] [ANN] NewtonTalk Users' Map (ALPHA)
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:48:35 -0400
>> this does only w=F6rk on a peecee ... unfortunately opera,
>> netscape and
>> exploder on a mac render a no-go situation :(
>> /over
>> doppler
> It's just a PNG (The Turbo-Studly Graphics Format ;) - I find it rather
> ironic that M$ IE can display them but Opera can't (otoh, I'm pretty sure it
> works under Linux, and probably Mozilla can do it too, wherevery you run
> it). Is it possible that the associations aren't set up right on your mac?
> Those browsers may not take the PNG type automatically...
Uhm... I can load both formats with my IE 4.5 Mac - but should there be some
Quicktime-Magic going on? I mean like names lighting up, or moving, so you
can actually read them? I can read mine, but it was set somewhere in Russia
instead of Hamburg *g*
Nice idea, though!
Oliver :)
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