[NTLK] 120 ROM in Sharp

From: Frank Gruendel (Frank_Gruendel_at_t-online.de)
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 20:05:29 EST

>I am now looking for a spare 120 ROM with which to experiment. I
>have seen them on eBay, but they are often expensive. Would anyone
>here be willing to sell one for a reasonable price, since it is for
>research purposes?

I doubt that that would work. Once you have the Sharps, just open one
and check if the ROM is removable. If it is, check whether the ROM
board looks like the one you see in the 130 disassembly instructions
in the hardware section of www.pda-soft.de. If it does, drop me a line,
I have a couple of 1.3 MP120 ROM's gathering dust, and I could send you
one for free.


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