Re: [NTLK] Mac OS 9.1 & Newton Press

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 16:28:20 EST

Whoa... I know you're busy Sushi but this is from last month??? ;-)

btw, what's the best email addy to send you pics/jpegs?
>>On 11/16/01 @ 2:19 PM, Ed Kummel wrote:
>>> Hmmm, Press 1.1 runs fine on all of my machines...
>>> oh,...sorry...I'm running Windows XP Pro, 2000 and
>>> 98SE...;-)
>>On 11/17/01 @ 4:28 AM, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>>I presume that this must be the only thing that runs fine..
>Ouch! :-)

!ooW %-)
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