Re: [NTLK] (OT) eMail and Photos?

From: Sushi (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 22:41:17 EST

Hi Sam,

>The only idea of the service she uses is via her e-mail
>address, which ends in:

Oops. This is one of the ISP's that can give some problems.

But don't dispare, there are some work arounds.

>I am not sure if this helps, and regretfully she is on
>vacation at the moment so I am not able to ask her. Is
>there something that I can download that will help my
>computer interface with her's (thus any files/pictures
>she sends)?

The problem is the how the data is stored. I had a friend send me an
Excel file. Opened it up fine, just to fine jibberish (Japanese two byte
characters converted to one byte) inside. This happened on both my PC at
work and my Mac at home.

>So far I have not had trouble with text as she is fluent
>on English, thus has pity on my poor language skills
>(although I have studied a bit of Japanese and would like
>to again when time allows).

If she can interface with you on a one byte level, ASCII standard text,
then that would probably be the easiest for you both.

Another option, is for you to upgrade your computer to Japanese OS.
There are many options here, on both the PC side and Mac side.

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. Let me me try to illustrate
the byte issue for you:

If she sends you a file with the number 1 in Japanese, it will appear as
a 1 in a two byte system. If you are using a one byte system, it will
appear as 1, which is a bit hard to read.

Let me give you another example of what I am talking about. Here are
some Kanji conversions via the Kuten code that I recently did:

   2378 -> =E5=E9
   2462 -> =E5=D0
   2552 -> =E7s
   2768 -> =E9=D1

They look much better on my DoCoMo iMode phone! ;-)

Anyhow, unless your Mac/PC has Japanese capability, it is probably
easiest for her to make everything one byte compatable. She will need to
use a Western Font vice a Japanese one in written text.

And as for pictures, use JPEG's when possible. And if they don't come
through correctly, then have her zip them. Zipping and Stuffing seem to
work well for getting around the Japanese server peculiarities -- they
tend to drop the attachment and add it as text at the end of the message.
 It is possible to convert it back, but is a pain.

BTW, I prefer Stuffing vice zipping. However, I find most PC folks don't
know about Stuffing. FWIW, Aladin supports both platforms with Stuffit
and can handle Zip files as well. Good stuff, er. application.


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