Re: [NTLK] Ethernet card question

From: THX 1138 (
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 15:22:58 EDT

On 7/14/01, John Ruschmeyer quoth:

>A 3C589C is not a 10/100 card. It is (can be) a 10Base2/10BaseT combo card.
>Both are 10mbs, just different media.

Mea culpa, right you are.I knew it was a combo, but not having the
big dual dongle around anymore, I had forgotten what the other half
was. That and it's been about 5 years since I last used a 10b2

There are a few 16 bit 100bT cards out there. This would be handy to
work on the newt, as my office runs non-switched 100bT and it's a
pain having to use a switch to connect every time.

Idle daydreaming...



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