Re: [NTLK] "emergency" package- not SBM

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 11:40:30 EDT

On Friday, July 20, 2001, at 11:29 AM, Brian McEwen wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> on 20/07/01 01:15, Brian McEwen at wrote:
>>> help...a search of unna for "emergency" or "backup" mostly brought up
>>> SBM
>>> and lots of other text hits, but nothing right.
>> Did you check on UNNA?
> See above :)
> It *might* be the dataresc.pkg in /utilities, but I'm not sure- there's
> no
> readme.
> And *when* did AMUG get rid of the nice INDEX text file at the head of
> each of their catagories, that contained a short description of
> everything
> in that directory by filename? grrr....

Oh, sorry about that! I would suggest you email Victor directly. An
emergency package like this one should be easy to find.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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