From: Brian McEwen <>
Subject: Re: [NTLK] uMP2000/2100 vs. eMate
> Did you divide it up into <32k chunks? I found when I was working
>on longer (but under 32k) text entries the lag started to really bug me,
>too, when making changes (MP130 I tried this a lot, only a little on the
> hmm.. or does the 32k limit/slowdown when making changes to long
>notes not apply to Works? Guess I need to experiment a little more now
>that I have the 2100...
I imported a 1+ MB RTF file into NewtWorks on a MP2000U - workes fine,
no perceptible delays in screen scrolling, compared to a 1 page Works document.
--Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP
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