[NTLK] Re: Newton development (was NSBasic Wanted)

From: Steve Weyer (weyer_at_kagi.com)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 08:00:42 PDT

> Subject: [NTLK] Re: NSBasic Wanted
> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:06:57 +0100
> From: "David Oxtoby" <doxto_at_gardman.co.uk>
> in that case would it just be better to learn NewtonScript since there's
> those huge manuals about it and also freely available the
> NewtonToolKit....?

or maybe learn Java, since it's available on many platforms, and is likely
to be around for awhile. (NTK is free, but not supported; and NS not
available on other platforms)

in particular, the Waba subset works pretty reasonably on the Newton
(and if some other developers helped Sean, Paul, me and others
it would be even better/faster).

you can run the _same_ code (assuming you don't use platform-specific
extensions) in a desktop web browser, Palm, WinCE, Newton
(and ports to other devices are in the works; distribution files
are usually different for each platform).

you can try these out in your browser (or download the .pkg to your Newton,
assuming you've also installed WabaVM):
Harri Hohteri's Worm game
  (though server seems to be down this morning)

or any of my Waba apps
  (CountDown, Crypto, Hanoi, Jumble, Life, Mines, PFB, Sproing, Turtle)

(complete list of current apps:
you'd need to download app_pkg.sit to get .pkg versions)

for VM and other info:

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