Re: [NTLK] Emate stylii

From: Russell,Allen (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 17:49:54 PDT

Using totally vague recollections, someone on the (old PN) NTLK shut down
all conjecture by saying he had (??) bombarded it with x-rays (??) and
plotted the scatter and proved that it was aluminum. He posted the
absorption/reflection/whatever graph for all to see. I was never sure if he
made it all up, but who was I to claim that?

In any case, I believe the styluses to be aluminum because they feel and
sound like my aluminum bicycle, not my titanium bicycle.


-----Original Message-----
From: THX 1138 []
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Emate stylii

On 12:35 AM 6/19/01 -0400, Victor Rehorst quoth:
>The tip on my eMate stylus isn't metal. I'm guessing you meant the part
>right before the tip - just wanted to clarify for anyone who's never seen
>one. (Titanium, though? That's a little expensive, no?)

Fair enough. The writing tip is plastic, the tip holder (?) is metal.

I'm assuming that the metal tip holding part is titanium, that most Apple
of metals, since that's what the MP2K stylus is made of, and they appear to
be identical in nature. Of course now someone will prove me wrong and I'll
be that much less impressed with my collection of styluses (or is it
stylii? didn't we have this discussion?). But still, once again, the Newton
was ahead of the Apple style curve.


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