[NTLK] Backtalk and ÿSO-8859-1?Q?lØØ61?þrrors...I ÿSO-8859-1?Q?i…?

From: Brian McEwen (bmcewen_at_cowboy.net)
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 04:59:02 PDT

Backtalk and lØØ61 Errors
I installed the Backtalk (all the packages) demo, only to find that after doing so, any attempt to delete an item from my Inbox would give the -1ØØ61 error. The fix built-in Avi's Backdrop didn't help.

Actually, after a reset, I could delete cne item, but any other attempts would give 1ØØ61. There were only 4 or 5 entries in the Inbox at the time. This is a 21ØØ with lots of heap free, not _too_ many packages installed.

I deleted all my ¡ncoming mail, reset the MP, downloaded
new mail, and had the same problem.

Removed all the Balktalk packages and no problems.

This is the first time I've seen 1ØØ61.
Is this something that others have seen with Backtalk? I'd like to buy it but this is kind of intrusive....



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