[NTLK] Copy This!

From: DON (don_at_dcphotos.com)
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 09:06:07 EST

> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:37 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [NTLK] Copy This!
> From: Woo Lee <vitcitylb_at_earthlink.net>
> Since this thread is bouncing back-and-forth, I suggest a realistic end...
> 'prices of blank mediums will rise to compensate expected lost revenue'
> ..that means when blank audio tape was introduced, the price was inflated
> to compensate for decreased record sales. Since no governing body can stop
> the users right to own equipment that can record one medium or another, the
> cost of copying will go up.
> ..Or the cost of authorized copies will go down.
> ..I'm hoping for the latter, since I have bought hundreds of videos of
> movies either after paying to watch in movie theater or renting the movie.

If the book publisher owned Xerox this might be true. In other words, the
record co. would have to own the tape manufacturing co. in order to set the
higher price as well as enjoy the profit from the higher priced tape. Sony
records does not own TDK, BASF or Maxell.
Nice try.

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