Re: [NTLK] AW: AW: Transistors vs. tubes

From: Andy Wells (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 20:35:46 EST

Johannes Wolf said

>Ok, from that point it is getting a bit artificial:
>differences in sound are very often caused by the higher frequency
spectrum, above what we are able to hear directly.
>We are not talking about a total overdrive of the amp, but of a partial
overdrive in the frequency range above 16 kHz.
>So you would not hear the distortion but you realize a sound difference...
>Thats so far an attempt of a scientific explanation.
>Apart from that of course remains the old (and renewed) glory of a tube

Don't usually go OT but I've got to join in as this is one of my

Speaking as a guitarist who has only used valve amps in pubs/clubs for the
past 18 years. ( My Tranny experince limited to the 'cheap' years of
studenthood). Just like a Newt craps all over Palm in it's inherent function
and beauty ( Think 'Newton v Palm' as 'Valve v Tranny' ... swinging back
near On Topic )
The sonic highs generated from a class A ( Vox AC30 ) at full throttle have
absolutely no comparison in the transistor world sorry but they just don't.
All that 'overprocessing' to simulate what a good valve amp does
'naturally', B.B. King's Less is More approach just ain't gonna happen
through a Line 6
My current amp is 15watts, turn it up it distorts more ( oh yeah :-). Try
that with a tranny amp and it just can't give a 'smooth' distortion ( many
guitar players call tranny distorion 'square wave' ). Also repeated
overdriving of the valves bleeds top end from their sound adding warmth to
the tone ( think Santana ) which is what Johannes was getting at above.

As an added feature, for those aroused by the olfactory, the odour of a
Valve amp 'cooking' only adds to the pleasure. Just like the smell of the
upholstery in your dad's old car brings back a flood of happy memories, a
valve amp is the smell of Rock guitar.
I don't recall seeing to many players leaning over to sniff their tranny amp
while on stage ...........well not unless it was being used as a stand for
something else........ >;-)

Where is this going ? Why I love my valve amps ( and I've had a lot ) is
also why I love Newton ( had few there too ).............the design appeals
in function, form and simplicity and brings me great joy to use them ( mind
you I've never actually seen a Newton on fire...wish I could say the same
about an amp! )


Andy Wells
Systems Administration
EDS Field Support
Launceston, Australia

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