In a previous message, R Pickett typed vigorously:
>> The two emails are clearly different, but it wouldn't take much to write
>> something capable of translating one into the other (in both directions).
>> There'd then be the problem of putting away an email into the Dates app, but
>> I'm sure that's documented somewhere (Entourage obviously responds to the
>> MIME header and copes with invitations accordingly).
>Just thought I'd take a minute off from Jolene Blalock, brand loyalty,
>AppleTalk, communism, and so forth (lots of which was my fault, too...)
>to mention that this is a really good and constructive idea and
>shouldn't get lost in the noise.
Unfortunately, I think this idea did get lost in the noise...
However, I also think that there could be a possibility of building some
sort of translator as part of the "put away" function in the In/Out box.
I'd have to think about how I'd actually start doing it, but it's not
that complex a problem.
Any NewtonScripters out there want to take a stab at this to give us a
starting point?
Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys
Now fortified with daily ramblings.
Newton. It's the Palm with a brain.
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