Which connector would break?
The Serial port itself or the pin connectors?
Remember I said I still use the back screw.
And even if he uses a screw that does perfectly match the threads, I think
that would be fine. He is only going to screw the SER-001 down once, and
then leave it there. And even if he removes it, nothing else uses those
holes, so he should be safe there also.
I asked David Humphreys about leaving the front screw out. He said that
there was a chance the board would work itself loose, not that the connector
would break.
I'm not saying that the connector wouldn't break, he didn't mention it,
and I would think the serial port attachment would give out before the metal
pins would.
> on 11/11/01 8:13 PM, SlashDevNull at wrote:
>> I really can't see the SER-001 working itself loose. The entire SER-001
>> is pushed down by the case.
> You are right, it doesn't work loose, it breaks off at the connector. Use
> the screws!!!!!
> Jim Johnston
> Teacher
> Mac Smacker
> Newton User
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