Re: [NTLK] ser-oo1 screws (was PCBMan depart)

From: Brian (
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 09:28:11 EST

>I didn't have any problems with my SER-001 until I installed the screws.
>Then after a few weeks I started getting intermittent comm errors. I took
>the back off my Newt and the SER-001 came apart, the header had pulled away

I have a SER-001 that I have not installed yet; what would people think if
I were to try glueing this header (or even the other components maybe- I've
not looked at it for months so don't recall if other places could be weak)
in place before installing? As well as using the screws. Most epoxy or
"super" glues should be relatively non-conductive, right?

Any reason this might be a bad idea? It seems like this is a fairly
regular way for the adapter to fail, for whatever reason.

How many people need screws besides Victor? I'm making a trip back to WA
state tomorrow, and one thing that lives there is the best hardware store
I've ever seen- (it's not a chain even) so if the earlier post about the
size and thread density of the screws is correct, I can likely get as many
as needed. Seems silly that more places don't stock good selections but I
had to go here to find replacement screws for my MP110 (I was switching ROM
boards and somehow lost the little envelope of all the screws I'd removed).

If I remember I'll throw the screws David sent into my briefcase and figure
out what they are once I get to my destination. But I might forget.


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