at the temporal coordinates: 11/14/01 2:42 PM, the entity known as James
Charney at conveyed the following:
> Suddenly I am getting individual messages from the list--though I am
> signed up for the Digest version only--and received the digest reliably
> until this morning. anyone else having this problem today?? Any thoughts
> on how to get back to receiving only the Digest version? Jim Charney
Have you gotten the stream of messages with the subject "Re: [NTLK]
NewtonTalk Digest broken" ?? If not, the capsule summary is that the list
server still "knows" of your desire to receive digest, but that the
digesting function is temporarily broken. There is nothing you need to do,
other than simply wade through the individual messages for a brief while.
And in the meanwhile we all pray that not every single one of the 500+
listers who take digest will post "Hey, digest isn't working" messages.
- Eric.
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