Re: [NTLK] Tablet PC

From: Steven M. Scotten (
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 18:05:12 EST

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 23:17:33 +0100, Laurent Domenech wrote:

>> > Also would Apple allow a duplicate of the Newton interface?
>> Did Bill Asked Steve when he duplicate the Mac graphic interface and
>> called it Windows?
>Of course not but that's not my point. We're not talking equal to equal.
>What can a small group of developers can do if a multi-billion company has a
>claim? We all know that Apple or Microsoft lawyers quickly heat up. I just
>want to avoid wasting time.

You can probably use Object Desktop and DesktopX to create a Newtesque
environment in Win2K or WinXP without anyone complaining.

OD used to be a desktop enhancement for OS/2, today it's used as a
crutch to make Windows almost as usable as OS/2 was seven years ago.
There are a lot of UI enhancements that can theoretically be made with
OD, and DesktopX objects are pretty cool.

As far as HWR, the desktop Windows version of Calligrapher works pretty
well. I know that's heresy to say on this list, but I use it on my
desktop to keep in handwriting practice when I'm not using Newt. Just
trying to find ingredients for the stew, eh?

As far as the Tablet PC is concerned, I *really* don't know why Bill
can call himself an innovator here. Even if there weren't Newtons
around for years, what about the Jupiter-class WinCE devices like the
Vadem Clio? What about the Windows98/Windows2K tablet devices (bundled
with PenOffice) that have been on the market since 1999
( I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't
there a 20+ year lineage of pen-based tablet devices? What's so
innovative about TabletPC except that this one is running XP?

And if XP is all that makes this device "innovative", why isn't he
hyping the "innovative new keyboard-based computer" or the "innovative
new Windows Mouse" or the "innovative new XP computer with a hard

BTW, I used one of those Qbe tablets for about a year (til I quit my
job and had to give it up). It was real nice if you can stomach using
Windows. I plugged mine into my network and ran an X server on it, and
used it as a KDE workstation. With PenOffice, I had linux with
handwriting recognition. I was pretty amazed to be able to use emacs
with a pen.... =^)


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