Re: [NTLK] [OT] iCab

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 09:00:41 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 11/19/01 3:29 AM, the entity known as Jon Glass
at conveyed the following:

> on 11/19/01 12:00 AM, Woo Lee at wrote:
>> You told IE to be "quite" and then it worked? Now we know how to make M$
>> stuff work?
> I rule my MS software, not the other way around! ;-)
> Seriously, thanks for pointing out the typo--sometimes Microsoft's spell
> checking can't catch everything. I must be getting lazy--anybody see the
> irony here...?

Ummm... For once this isn't M$'s fault. There's no spell checker in the
world that would catch the use of "quite" for "quiet" since the word "quite"
is spelled correctly. Now, a *grammar* checker might pick that up...

Don't worry, I've seen things in the likes of Time, etc. that just revolt
me. I thought it was bad enough when online news services (even CNN &
MSNBC) were doing things like "web sight" or "the point is mute", but that's
even creeping into some of the more respected print media. Woo's mistake
was a simple typo/transposition. These others are appalling because they
represent a lack of knowledge. I'm sure these folks thought they were OK
because their spell checkers gave the text a clean bill of health.

- Eric.

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