Here's some previous discussion on the topic. I haven't had a chance
to try and confirm this but did hear from several who had.
i currently use one with a message pad 2000 and 130 i can send the enabler
and device packages to you.
also for service find a company that uses the frequncy on the back of the
card and tell them you need their service for an alphanumeric pager.
hope this helps
"Gregory J. Wayman" wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I was browsing Mike Jones Page on Messaging Cards,
> Has anyone had any luck getting this to work on a 2000?
> After a couple of failed attempts at installing what I was told was the
> correct packages,
> I finally found some that the Newt would except without the error
> message.
> When the card is inserted it goes through a few checking procedures then
> it says via a dialog box
> "An error has occurred. The last operation failed. You may retry this
> operation."
> I figure it is one of several things........
> The card is bad.
> Incompatible with OS 2.1 or the MP2000 (although Mike runs it on a
> Emate)
> Or simply One needs to actually sign up with a paging service to
> complete the final action.
> I am hesitant to do this if it is one of the other problems
> Anyone?
> Greg
>on 19/11/01 22:21, Dale Steele at wrote:
>> I have never made much progress with the pager cards that I picked up
>> with a box of old/strange newton gear a while back. Here's a link to
>> what I got including a view of the pager cards. I did receive some
>> info from others with some experience with the cards and thought
>> there was at least one situation where they might be used......
>> Anyway, here's some pics of what I'm talking about.
>That is nice, but my main question remains: is it possible to use one of
>those messaging card with any paging system, or is the card tied to a
>specific one? I'm trying to see if I could use one of those card with the
>SkyTel service...
>If anybody has any info about that, please let me know.
>Thanks in advance!
>Laurent Daudelin <>
>Logiciels Nemesys Software
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>products that seem to have been specified to incorporate all of this month's
>trendy technologies. Key buzzwords that often show up in buzzword-compliant
>specifications as of 2001 include `XML', `Java', `peer-to-peer',
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