Re: [NTLK] AW: AW: Cover me... I'm goin' in!

Date: Fri Nov 23 2001 - 17:10:34 EST

In a message dated 23/11/01 2:09:51 pm, writes:

<< > But, if you are "grounding" your self it's not a problem, and in

> like Brazil, with a high humidity the eletrostatic never heppens.

Is this really like you say? We've here lots of rain too (this year was

awfull, rain from March till now with about 3 dry weeks in July and October)

but it still gets dry in between. >>

The thing is that in hot countries like brazil the outside humid air has free
access to the house, but in cold countries we close the doors and windows and
turn the heating up and this raises the dew point so much that even if it is
raining outside the air inside is very dry. Thus static is formed very easily


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