Subject: Re: [NTLK] Warning: Dipwad ZDNet Columnist Ahead
From: Robert Taylor <>
>flame Coursey. Or does anyone seriously think Apple didn't botch the
>potential of Newton repeatedly?
No flames, just concurrence. I use the Newton as one of the best
of poor marketing and poor consumer education. How many times have
we had to explain "it works with a WinPC too". I've read a horror story
about how Apple Marketing didn't think desktop synching was that
important, so it was "farmed out" and they received an inferior product;
as a Visor user it does amaze me how one just drops it in its cradle,
taps the HotSynch button.
I do disagree with the price point, as look at the brisk
sales of HPs and Compaq PocketPC2002, especially to corporate clients.
If Apple had had only pushed the improved handwriting recognition (I
look at how companies like BeechNut, Perrier, and Jack-In-The-Box have
recovered from far worse consumer perception) Ethernet support, and
overall usability who knows where we'd be today. And you're right, a
smaller Newton, with less features, could've taken over the market.
--Mark Rollins
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