Re: [NTLK] Apple won't fix my Newton!!!

From: Loren Finkelstein (Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 12:55:02 EST

Here's an update.

Apple claims the following.

The $190 repair program is only for defective machines and has nothing at
all to do with damages caused by dropping it. I told the guy he didn't know
what he was talking about and that there have been reports of dozens of
Newton owners getting broken (dropped) Newtons repaired or replaced.

He held to his guns and also said that they don't have replacement Newtons
to send out anymore.

Finally, he said that the repair team said my Newton was so damaged that
they couldn't repair it to working order without replacing it. I then spend
5 minutes "politely" explaining how it was in working order when I sent it,
just with a scratched screen and cracked case.

At this point he really wanted to get off the phone with me, but I wouldn't
let him hang up, or send me my broken newton back, until he promised to
contact the repair people (he's just customer interference) to make sure it
still worked at least as well as it did when I sent it in.


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