There's a big NewtonDev bolus on UNNA which contains everything
anybody ever put together for Newton development on a Mac. However, the
naive, like me, would go to the 'apple' section and pull down the Mac
NTK from there.
What that gets you won't work. It's just a new binary that's
supposed to be plopped down over the executable in an existing full
installation of NTK. The FAQ points to an NTK over on Apple's FTP
site. This is the same thing: application only.
I already had an NTK 1.6 CDROM because back in the day, I
fast-talked the company I work for into springing for an honest NTK
license. So, dropping the binary on top of that worked. Most people
don't have this option.
I'm thinking someone should drop a note into the FAQ, and possibly
into the README in the 'apple...ntk' directory on UNNA, saying that that
version of NTK isn't stand-alone, and pointing them over to the NewtonDev
monster package in another directory.
Mike O'Brien
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