Re: [NTLK] moving NewtDB data without a serial port

From: Brian (
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 16:15:38 EDT

>I am trying to transfer data from NewtDB to my desktop, but no longer have a
>desktop with a serial port. Thus, I cannot use the XferDB tool that is part
>of the NewtDB suite of tools.

>I am working on a Mac G4 tower, OS 9.2.1, and successfully moving
>information with NCU and the occasional note via NPDS and copy/paste out of
>my browser. I don't know how to get NCU to gather information from NewtDB.

So you have an ethernet connection and 2x00?

Page 18 of the manual for Newtdb talks about using Slurpee to grab
tab-delimited export files from Newtdb and NOS2.0 machines (I'm not sure if
Slurpee (now Sloup??) can go over ethernet):
Exchanging Data with Mac / PC

NewtDb can use the Newton (Mac or Windows) Connection Kit or Slurpee v1.7,
to exchange data when your Newton is running NOS v1.x. At this time for
NOS v2.x you must use Slurpee v1.7 or greater. A direct data exchange for
all Newton's is in the works.

And page 20 talks about using NCK (see below)- but I don't think that NCU
has a similar sync file feature to the old NCK. Someone tell me if I'm

Anyway you just need a way to grab tab-delimited text over ethernet from
the looks of it. I'd play with Slurpee or Sloup and (Victor's utility for
this sort of thing) and maybe EETransfer.

Do let us know what you try. I guess I will play with this sometime, as
well- I've been using serial to xport from newtdbto text backups but now I
have RJ-45 all over at home as well....


The export from NCK, not sure if there's a NCU similarity:
Exporting Data from Newton

Open a NCK sync file if you don't have one open.

From the NCK File menu, select "Export..." and the Template you previously

NCK will now export the data to a file and tell you how many records it

NewtDb's export function will export the data as:

"field_1_data" , "field_2_data" , "field_3Data" ..... <cr> for each

If you have the Export Sequence Numbers or Export New / Modified options
enabled (in UtilityDb) , they will be exported also.

Open your database program and Import it from a text file. You may have to
define an import filter for your program.

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