The response to the user survery that was posted at has been very good - to say the least. ( Thanks go out to everyone that participated.
The survey is still on-line if you have not had a chance to vote.
Here's a peek at the results from a little over 100 users:
- over 2/3 of users plan to use their MP2x00 units for 4 or more years. Looks like we can plan on seeing an active NewtonTalk list for serveral more years.
- more than half the people said they'd buy a replacement touchscreen right-away, or wait for the inevitable scratches and scrapes to become a problem. This is a very good sign. :-)
- and it looks as if the pricing will be in-line with most expectations.
I didn't get any useful results on the backlight color selection (or the How Many? question) due to a scripting problem. If you have a preference for something other than green or white backlight please let me know via email. For initial orders, I'll probably have both white and green.
- Calvin
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