Re: [NTLK] Customizing Print HWR

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 09:33:01 EDT

on 9/4/01 5:26 PM, Alex Enkerli at wrote:

> Well, after trying it (adjusting a letter shape and going back to
> Print), I don't see any difference. Are there specific characters you
> improved this way?
> And what's weird is that "Letter Shapes" joins plain and crossed 7s.
> For people who always cross their 7s, eliminating plain 7s could help.
> Anyhow...Thanks for your input.

Boy, It was so long ago... I believe capital "I", "o", almost definitely the
7 crossed, (eliminated the plain) If I recall correctly, I was having
problems with numbers and letters. I picked an I that wouldn't be confused
with a 1, and turned off all the rest. Now, when I write a straight stick, I
get a one, when I cross the top and bottom, I get and I. I think I also
mucked with my "n" and "h". I still have problems with them, but those are
my sloppy fault. :-) The key is to change both letters you have a problem
with. Also, you might see what you are doing that is confusing the
recognizer, and change your writing style a little. :-)

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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