Re: [NTLK] ON TOPIC: my new MP130!

From: THX 1138 (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 16:59:30 EDT

On 9/7/01, Filmer, Paul E. quoth:
>1) There are a couple of funky things about this MP -- in the Storage (?)
>folder there is a non-storage icon UniFEP, which I can't tell what language
>it is for - all the folder names and application names simply come up as
>little boxes, so I don't know if it's Kanji, Cyrillic or what. I could
>simply delete the icon, but I'm curious: I'd like to see a
>non-English/non-German Newt. Am I missing a pkg?

It's a Kanji input and display system. Shipped with all Japanese
130's (I think). I've got a copy I've messed around with some (UniFEP
2.0) and it's pretty neat, once you get past the fact that I can't
read a solitary word of it or the documentation, much less actually
write in it. It seemed to do nifty things with my scribbles. Monkeys
on typewriters, indeed. It does require several packages, and
integrates rather tightly with the system, I assume yours is missing
several of the required extensions.

Not quite on subject, but Enfour had a painting program to duplicate
the art of painting on a rice paper scroll with a chinese brush.
There was a demo of it, but I can't remember the name and can't find
a mention of it on their site, if anyone would point me to a
download, I'd be most appreciative.

>3) Stylus - I already hate it. Does it always stick out like that? I can't
>believe Apple design would do that - it telescopes down, but then always
>springs back to show about 3mm beyond the edge of the case.

I recall the ones on my 110, and 120 to fit rather cleanly, it's
possible some could not fit quite right, of course. PDA Panache made
a big heavy metal one to fit in the space, and it was very cool. And
very heavy, it came with my 120, and I used it and then sold it off,
made the thing too top heavy.

You may want to look in the slot and see if anything is obstructing
it, I recall this being an issue before.

And now my $.02 on copyright...

Oh wait, never mind.



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