[NTLK] Decent Used eMates for sale

From: Brian McKeon (brian_at_airlink.com)
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 02:11:31 EDT

To those interested in acquiring eMates:

I have had five eMates for quite some time.
I acquired them a few years ago right after Jobs dumped the Newton line.
I was holding onto them, but have recently decided to put them for sale on

In reading some of the posts here, I find there are many who appreciate the
technology as much as I,
and may already have software, accessories, manuals and other items that
these units do not come with.

All 5 are all in excellent shape, however they are not complete 'sets'.
- They do not come with manuals or software utilities-
- They do not have network cards -
- They do not have modems -
- They do not have power supplies - (I have only one power supply that I
rotate amongst them to keep them charged, and I need to keep it).

- They DO come with original stylus pens -
- They all have the 8-pin DIN to DB9 serial cables
- and ALL come equipped with the 4MB RAM upgrade.
(RAM is what matters most. You can find all that other stuff very cheap at
flea markets or computer swap meets).

As I said, they are all in great shape - nice screens w/ no scratches, great
contrast, and clear sound.
I would be more than willing to sell them to people before putting them on
Pricing would be considering the lack of accessories, but also the added

Let me know if you're interested.


Brian McKeon

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