Re: [NTLK] How much is an eMate 300 upgrade worth?

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 19:41:46 EDT


  After the woes you have received during your eMate "quest and saga" I am
glad that things seem to be turning your way. You deserve it!



  By the way, today Apple opened a new store in Tampa and my wife, a
friend, and myself went to the opening festivities. It was a very nice
store with a seemingly good amount of hardware and software. Yet most
relevant was that I had taken my MP2000 with me and to read while I waited
(etc.), not only did it get recognized but it seemed to generate a lot of
interest (including one person wanting to take a picture of it!). Nice to
see the Newton, outside of the NUG circle, still drawing people.


Always remember, "Ad astra per aspera"...


Lab. Telephone (via Dr. Susan Bell): 813-974-5420

     Department of Biology
     University of South Florida
     SCA 110
     4202 East Fowler Avenue
     Tampa, Florida, 33620

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