This thread is making me think that we Newton users are worse than most
about reading manuals ;)
Maybe it's only a 2.1 feature, but the built in clipboard works fine for me-
let's go through this again:
1. Hold down stylus over text until big dot appears.
2. Drag to select desired text.
3a. to Cut, press and hold stylus on selected text.
3b. to Copy, tap, then press and hold stylus on selected text. (also
described as double-tap-and-hold)
4. Drag selected item to edge of screen and lift stylus.
5a. to Paste, drag clipboard item to desired location.
5b. to Paste a copy, use the double-tap-and-hold as above.
Even better, the Newton supports multiple clipboards. You need an app to
set the number available, though (sort of like freezing)- I use DashBoard.
Dashboard also has a script (it's trivial if you've got access to
NewtonScript) to clear the clipboard.
(is this in the FAQ? What's worse, posting a question answered in the FAQ,
or answering one? :P )
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