Re: [NTLK] Getting online with my eMate

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 16:30:35 EDT

On 09/04/02 16:01, "Russ Bravo" <> wrote:

> Hi all - delighted to pick up an eMate on eBay UK for a reasonable cost ($90
> or so, not bad for UK) but I've been having problems collecting e-mail and
> surfing the web.
> I can dial up OK - via the standard Apple Newton Fax Modem - but then I get
> the message "Connecting to" when I try to check mail (or
> "connecting to" when I'm trying to send mail) and then it
> just sits there and doesn't connect. Same happens when I load up Newtscape to
> surf the web - whichever site I put in the address for it simply gives the
> message "connecting to www.whatever ....." and never makes it.
> Now I know an eMate is never going to zip along at the speed of a 2100, but
> can I only reasonably expect it to be veeeeeerrrrry slooooooowwww? Should I
> try a faster modem?
> So far as I can tell, my SimpleMail and Newtscape settings are correct.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It will definitely be slower on an eMate, specially if that said eMate
didn't have his memory upgraded. Then, the Newton Fax Modem connects at a
2400 bauds maximum speed, which will be very slooooooooooooooooooooow. So,
you might have a timing problem here, where your ISP expects some kind of
response when you call in but because your modem is so slow, your ISP
doesn't receive the reply in time. Could be a lot of things, actually. Try
to find a 33.6K PCMCIA modem, you should be able to find one cheap for
around $20 USD (maybe more expensive in UK...).


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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elephantine adj.: Used of programs or systems that are both conspicuous hogs
(owing perhaps to poor design founded on brute force and ignorance) and
exceedingly hairy in source form. An elephantine program may be functional
and even friendly, but (as in the old joke about being in bed with an
elephant) it's tough to have around all the same (and, like a pachyderm,
difficult to maintain). In extreme cases, hackers have been known to make
trumpeting sounds or perform expressive proboscatory mime at the mention of
the offending program. Usage: semi-humorous. Compare `has the elephant
nature' and the somewhat more pejorative monstrosity. See also second-system
effect and baroque. 

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