Re: [NTLK] PayPal gripes -NOT!

From: Stainless Steel Rat (
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 14:03:59 EDT

* "Don Levick, M.D." <> on Sat, 13 Apr 2002
| Last year, I conducted the Newton Battery sale (from BTI) almost entirely
| through PayPal and had absolutely NO PROBLEMS. I have also used PayPal for
| multiple other purchases with no problem - eBay and otherwise. Just my 2
| cents.

I will say my piece about PayPal and be done with it.

I have used the service, once or twice, without any problems. However,
their terms of service, and the changes to them over the past couple of
years has made me rather leery. Storing my credit card information is
something I could live with, because I can easilly contest fraudulent
transactions. But PayPal is not a bank, does not have the full benefits or
protections of a bank, and now it wants access to my checking account,
under the conditions that it cannot be held liable for anything. To that I
say absolutely no way.

There, that's it, no more from me.

Rat <>    \ Warning: pregnant women, the elderly, and
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ children under 10 should avoid prolonged
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ exposure to Happy Fun Ball.
       That and five bucks will get you a small coffee at Starbucks.

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