Re: [NTLK] Dongle for 2100

From: Philip Bennett (
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 19:00:35 EDT

I could have sworn that they were still selling back stock. Let me see if I
can find the info.

Keep the Green

On 4/20/02 3:12 PM, "Ross Cottrell" <> wrote:

>> From some of the prices I've seen, Apple Computer is the least expensive
>> ($9.95, I found out).
> I called Apple and they said they don't sell Newton stuff, and
> referred me to my local reseller. So I called The Computer Store in
> Seattle, and they said they don't sell Newton stuff. Where did you
> find this $9.95 dongle exactly?
> I've supposedly "won" an ebay auction for a dongle from Gem, but they
> have ignored my every request for a total and have not emailed me in
> the 6 days since the auction ended.
> This is my first Newton, a 2100, and I really want to hook it up and
> get going...
> Ross Cottrell

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