> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:58:14 -0400
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] OT: PC notebook advice
> From: "Laurent Daudelin" <laurent_daudelin_at_fanniemae.com>
> On 24/04/02 10:47, "Seth Hurwitz" <shurwit1_at_jhmi.edu> wrote:
>> A friend who is a professional photographer is looking to buy a small,
>> light Windows notebook computer with firewire (I believe that's the
>> Apple name, but you know what I mean). Any recommendations? He's been
>> having a terrible time with the Dell salespeople. I can't recommend a
>> TiBook as he wants a Windows-book to go with his Dell desktop (which he
>> bought a few months ago and has had numerous problems with).
> I don't understand. He doesn't have enough problem with his desktop that he
> now wants another Windows box? Are you really his friend? ;-)
Even better, he is in a creative profession and supposed to work *with* his
computer, not *on* his computer.
Do recommend the Ti!
Make your friend wait for the next Apple event in Mai, the Ti will most
likely be updated.
Oliver :)
PS: A Windows-book to go with his Dull... I guess I would search at the
local cheapo-supermarket
PPS: If he *reallyreally* wants a Win-book, make him at least look at IBM or
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