Re: [NTLK] Games for the 2100

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 22:31:32 EDT

on 4/24/02 9:16 PM, Laurent Daudelin at

> The games I'm playing the most on my 2100 are Casino (always BlackJack),
> Kung-Fu, Sub Patrol and Gold Tee (golf simulation).

You can play Gold Tee on your 2100? How do you do it? I can't let go of the
rubber band fast enough to get a good swing without a wicked slice! I tried
about a half of a round before I gave up. Worse, the more delicate the shot,
the harder it seems to be, with the exception of drives, which usually take
me about a half-a-dozen or more shots to get one in-bounds. :-) Did you find
a way to slow down Gold Tee?

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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