Re: [NTLK] New backdrop pics/pkgs

From: Darius Zendeh (
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 06:08:00 EDT

Thank you very much. Actually I started to use the Newton just at the end of 2001. Until then I've had a cassiopeia with CE, which is a pain in the a*s. The Newton is unbelievably intuitive and it's just fun to use. I think Steve Jobs did never use a Newton himself or at least never compared it with other handhelds. Maybe he would have had another opinion on PDA's. Every other company is just trying to do a handheld, but they will never reach the class and the taste of the Newton. As with everything that Apple does: All implemented functions just work fine; as it should be. Others HAVE countless functions, but nearly none of them work the way they should. I just recall an interview with SJ about Microsoft; I will put it on my website as well.

I hope this community will last a long time. You are all doing a nice job.

Regards, Darius. (powered by MP2100)
All your Newton are belong to us.

>Really nice page. I especially loved the old commercials. I remember back in
>the old days when I first saw them. I remember saying to my self "I gotta
>have one of those damn things." Gee, and now I have several.
>Keep up the good work.

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