Re: [NTLK] Avi's Backdrop and Background Picture

From: Michael Mays (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 11:44:57 EDT


I finally got it working very, very late last night (Started at 2am,
finally got the picture up at 3:15am...I don't like my computer telling
me what I can and can't do). I did fix the grainy black-and-white image
by fixing the "Platform", changing it from Classic to MP2000 Portrait.
The best I can figure out about what was causing the weird jumbling was
the actual picture size. I took it down to the size suggested by the
Avi's Backdrop help file, and after a few tries, it worked. It was a
relief too...I was really getting tired. :)

Thanks for the suggestions. My Newton U2000 is now no longer on the way
to destruction.

Michael Mays

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Avi's Backdrop and Background Picture

Funny, on the PC, I fond it easier to just leave it in color (but save
the picture as a BMP).

As for the original poster's problems... you need to check the
preferences to see what platform that NewtonPress is trying to generate
for. If you're getting back-and-white, then you're probably trying to
generate a "Classic" or "Universal" book. To get grays, you need to
generate specifically for a 2x00.


Darius Zendeh wrote:

> Dear Michael,
> for best results (I use Photoshop on the Mac) you need to get the
right dimensions and convert the picture to grayscale first. Then save
it as a pict image. In NewtonPress select the appropriate size, drop the
picture in your book, and very important: Click on Title, then on "More
Choices=93 and in the ISBN field type "A!:" followed by anything you
want. Create the package and send it to Your Newton. Thats it.
> Regards, Darius.
> (coming up soon)
> All your Newton are belong to us.
> UM >Update: I've tried working with NewtonPress to make a picture book
>>load on the Newt. While it does display the picture, it either
>>in very dotty black-and-white format rather than 16 grays, or it
>>displays an extremely jumbled image with only a faint resemblance to
>>original if you squint. I'm not sure what's causing this.

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