Re: [NTLK] Newton Sync

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 04:33:27 EDT

on 27-04-2002 11:16, Andrew Patrikalakis at wrote:

> Well, for decoding Newton data, I *do* have a Newton Streamed Object
> Decoder that I wrote (that works). But it's not endian-safe; (i.e. you can't
> use it on PCs) should I just release it and hope that someone on this list has
> the proper skills to make this program endian-safe?

Short and simple answer: yes, please do.

Since we're a small community we will probably all benefit with shared
efforts (even if I don't have a clue what 'endian-safe' is ;-)

> Also, I did say something on this list a week ago about another library
> that I had written. It is an encoder/decoder for the Newton docking protocol.
> It also works (over TCP/IP only) but only on Macs because it's not
> endian-safe.

So do I read you right that you have these two apps ready to work on a Mac
and just not on a PC (yet)

Would make it even nicer if you would release it. (I'm a Mac user ;-)

Robert Benschop

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