Re: [NTLK] [OT] attention deficit

From: John Goggan (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 14:04:54 EDT

MuHammed Lonon wrote:
> Wait a minute do all of us have mental "defects"???!!!
> Is anyone on list "normal"

Indeed. It is interesting that most experts seem to think that ADD/ADHD
affects 3-5% of the population. Yet we seem to have 20-30% of students being
medicated, in many areas, for it. And we seem to have a significantly higher
than 3-5% of NewtonTalk posters with it.

I'm sure it is probably out there -- but I've always felt that it was severely

Not try to start a war here -- those of you with it, I respect that. The
numbers just seem crazy to me whenever I look at them. Too many of the Scouts
in my scout troop are suddenly on drugs to keep them "normal" when I thought
that they were perfectly normal before -- they just happened to get into some
trouble at school now and then. :(

 - John...

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