--- Ed Kummel <tech_ed_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hmmm, who are you calling "normal"?
Duh! Check the "" it was rhetoricalized(sp). BTW what
does that [sic] mean anyway. I always wanted to use
While we are on this rant wagon.....
I learned to handle my "problem" by doing mind numbing
repetitive tasks instead of mind numbing repetitive
lessons. My favorite was unrolling the peas(naps) in
my hair. My torture was more mental than physical or
chemical.[Well unless we are including the bullies]
No under no circumstances was thinking to be permitted
anywhere in the school district. -True Story-
The board gave out a bogus test that everyone was
supposed to take. The test was allegedly supposed to
measure student progress outside of the normal state
testing. This was actually their equally bogus
attempt to show that they were actually competent
enough to run the district, before the state decided
to take over.
They gave the test for the first time in the fall of
my Junior year. The test was so poorly written that
it had errors that even my j*ckoff physics teacher
noticed.( We are talking about a guy who consumes a
quart of rum _unphased_) Along with others, including
myself. In the spring they gave out THE EXACT SAME
TEST with the exact same answers and errors!!! And
when yours truly promptly declared that it was beneath
him to take it. They tried to _suspend_ me. When
that didn't work they got the guidance counselor, whom
they must have assumed had some influence over me, to
whittle me into taking it with some dribble about what
colleges my think about it.
Of course I promptly nipped that in the butt, when I
pointed out for that to happen the college would
probably want to see the test....and this is not even
the worst case.
side note : Yes I know that is not a word.
MuHammed Jamal Lonon
102 Loden Lane Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 334-0848 (local)
(803) 428-6757 (perm.)
mjl3781_at_rit.edu (alt.)
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