Re: [NTLK] Basilisk setup already

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 17:58:41 EDT

Clarification here
You can get a Zip file of the complete OS 7.5.5 with
NCU already installed as a single image file. You
would point Basilisk to this image file and it is
complete and ready to use with your Newton immediatly.
How you get your ROM image is your own affair.
There are several sources on the net that explain how
to pull one out of a machine you already own, or
(don't want to open this topic again) there are "not
so legal" sources available for your own personal
moralle struggles. Your choice.
Let me know if you want the disk image... it's huge
(about 30+Mb)
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

--- Trent Tuggle <> wrote:
> > Three, make sure you get the ROM (32bit clean)
> source
> > and the full OS with NCU already installed...I
> believe
> > that it's floating around from one of the people
> from
> > this list.
> Did you say you could get the ROM with full NCU all
> ready?
> I'd be intrested in that! When I get my MP 2100 I'd
> like to set it up to
> connect!

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