They just plain dont work anymore, it was thought that If you could provide a
page provider (DONT mention anything about Newton) and tell them you have a
pager on such and such frequency that it could be activated. I have been
looking into this for a longtime. It was discoverd by another list member (Chad
Welsh) that it has somthing to do with the date.
If you set the date backwards on your Newton to 1996 (Dont remember if this is
exact, but you get the idea) Then it would work. It sounds as if it might be
possible to rectify.
Do a google search on "Newton Messaging Card"
Darren Mattone wrote:
> Howdy!
> I was curious about something I saw on eBay the other day. It was a
> Motorola messaging card for the Newton. The owner doesn't know if it will
> work but it does light up. He was selling it as a piece of Newton
> memorabilia In any case, I was wondering what it could be/was used for. Any
> experience Newton users out there have any idea? Thanks.
> Darren.....
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