Re: [NTLK] PCMCIA Ethernet card MAC address

From: Matt Tracey (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 23:05:32 EDT

Okay. Thanks for the reply. Let's hope my card has that too...

I have a 3Com model 3CXE589DT (the one with the XJack) The only thing I
can find resembling a MAC address on the card is a barcode printed onto
the metal on the back. It doesn't look like any MAC address I've ever
seen: 108E15G85UU0

I'll try it out though and report back :-)

Cross your fingers,

On Saturday, August 24, 2002, at 02:59 PM, Rodney Rothstein wrote:

> Matt, I think that you can read this from the card. On the back of
> my Farallon card there is an address labeled "SN=" followed by the
> 10 digits and letters that make up the address (e.g., 6LF14...). I
> gave this information to the people here that run the network and
> they were happy and my Newton is registered on the network. Hope
> that this helps.
>> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 23:14:20 -0600
>> Subject:
>> From:
>> Hi there everybody,
>> Is there any way to find the MAC address of my ethernet card when it's
>> in my Newton? My DSL ISP has this setup where you need to register your
>> ethernet card MAC address with them so that the DSL gives you a valid
>> ip
>> address (as opposed to the ISP-internal-network-only access that only
>> lets you get to the registering site)
>> I tried getting to the register site with NetHopper but that was a
>> no-go. I can get to it using my G4 but I need to know the address of
>> the
>> card in order to register it.
>> Is there software that will display this for me? Any suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Matt
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