An Apology/Mea CulpaHi all,
remember that we received three digests worth of always the
replies before Victor blocked the spammer last Sunday?
Well, before Victor did, I sent this guy an email, and he
just replied.
Mabe you can consider letting him back in, Victor? After
all, there
ain't than many former Newton team members on this list...
Here's the story...
>>it appears that you are currently replying to Newtontalk
>>Digest #590 again and again and quote the whole digest in
>>your mails
>Thanks for your message regarding the "runaway" behavior of
>my pocket e-mail device this past Sunday. I had been
>in the Northern California area and I discovered too late
that my
>backpack strap was rubbing against the "SEND" bar of this
>gadget I've been testing and carrying in my top shirt
pocket that day.
>Unfortunately, this repeated "SEND" command apparently sent
>continuous replies to the last message I had read that
>which, woefully was the Newton digest.
>I guess the only good news was that the device WORKED from
>thousands of meters in California's Sierra Nevada
I'd appreciate it if you would please FORWARD this apology
>the entire e-mail list that I inadvertently "spammed"...
>Bob Peterson
>(former) Newton Team Member 1985-2001
>(escapee to with many other former Newton team
>who continue to craft uniquely fine toys)
-- Newton Hardware and Software at
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