[NTLK] -48204

From: Peter Cameron (pdwc_at_sympatico.ca)
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 00:35:33 EST

Here's the bugtrap log of the -48204 error. It seemed to finger something having to do with TIBET as the problem. I found I had TIBET format installed internally while TIBET was on the card. I moved TIBET format to the card and all is well. Thanks, Victor.

Sorry, a problem has occurred.

(#C617075).install('count=10), 46: Clone 1 [Clone('fScreenTemplates)]

Stack Trace:

Debugging at stack level: 0

Current Receiver from level: 0
{install: <_function: 1 arg>,
{count: 10,
tibet: NIL,
install: <_function: 1 arg>,
   18: Branch 22
   21: PushConstant NIL
   22: BranchIfNil 41
   25: PushSelf
   26: Push 'install
   27: GetVar count
   28: PushConstant 1
   29: Add 2
   30: Push 'Array
   31: MakeArray 1
   32: PushConstant 1000
   35: Push 'AddDelayedSend
   36: Call 4
   37: Pop
   38: PushConstant NIL
   39: Return
   40: Pop
   41: GetVar tibet
   42: Push 'fScreenTemplates
   43: GetVar tibet
   44: Push ['_proto,'fScreenTemplates,]
   45: GetPath 1
   46: Clone 1
   49: SetPath 0
   50: GetVar tibet
   51: Push ['fScreenTemplates,'imageEditor,]
   54: GetVar tibet
   55: Push ['fScreenTemplates,'imageEditor,]
pc = 46

Newton machine type: 268447744 Built: 7/29/97 11:57 AM
CPU: strongarm 162.184 mhz
ROM: 2.1 (717260) patched -- Total RAM: 4079616 bytes -- Free Heap RAM: 307516 bytes
Screen Depth: 4 -- Screen Size/Res: 320x480 100x100

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