I've come into some [10 acutally] Calise cases (about the size of a daytime) that:
- holds MP2100
- holds 3 PCMCIA cards
- holds your business card behind a clear plastic pane
- holds your checkbook (great if you use Pocket Money or Pocket Quicken)
- holds a bunch of credit cards
- has an external pouch big enough for a cell phone (or a wireless card and
stuff in my case)
- has an external pouch on the back for a few important papers
Price: $10.00 delv'd anywhere in US. (Overseas delivery available: cost
depends on where)
Note: I'll be gone from about noon[EST] Friday, 27 December thru 2 Jan.
I've you're interested, drop me a line. I'll reply when I get back.
In case I'm swamped with offers -- first come, first served.
Yours in Newtondom,
Tom Zahm
(formerly tpzahm_at_mac.com)
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