Re: [NTLK] Ethernet connection

From: Andy Pasulka (
Date: Sat Feb 09 2002 - 07:24:18 EST

on 2/8/02 8:19 AM, Peter Cameron at wrote:

> I have my Newt and all the computers hooked to a router, but the router
> also acts as a switch. Since the PB can see the G4 it seems your router is
> switching fine. My suggestion would be to check the cable you're using for
> the Newt ... try swapping it with one of the other cables that's known to
> work.
The Powerbook can use that cable, but the Newt can't. When I get all that
spare time I keep wishing for, I'm going to fiddle around a *lot* with my
old 10 Mb router and some other cables and get to the bottom of this

Thanks for the suggestion, though.



Change instrument roles (from Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies) Andy Pasulka

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