I am sorry that my computer has become possessed and sent out so many
e-mails. I instructed it to send one message (and the only one I had
written) once, and before I knew it my computer sent out 11+ messages! Wow!
I tried to stop my machine, and do not know what happened. Yet I am sorry.
Sam J.
> [Original Message]
> From: Samuel Jacobson <>
> To: <>
> Date: 2/9/02 9:50:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OFF-Topic] Small World
> Everyone,
> Please, this issue needs to stop. Although there is a lot that can and
> should be said this is not the forum for doing so. And, further, the gross
> generalizations that are being espoused are not only inappropriate but
> hurtful to both sides. For example not all Americans believe that our
> government should be, rightly or wrongly, the Watchdogs of the World. Yet,
> conversely, some people in other countries need to have longer memories
> than they indicate and recall the good that the U.S. has actually done
> as step-up in World War II when, for the most part, the U.S. looked to
> neutral (albeit we were forced into the War).
> Does the U.S. make mistakes? Yes. Does U.S. foreign policy need to be a
> bit more far-sighted? I feel so. But then I do not off hand know of any
> government that is holistic in their views and has the entire World's best
> interest at heart. Thus, from what I have seen, all governments need to be
> less self-serving and therefore more far-sighted. Are the entire World's
> problems due to the actions of the U.S.? Absolut non! For example if
> truly thinks that the Middle East would be a region of sanity and harmony
> if the U.S. and Israel were not there is not being logical, rational, and
> honest.
> Every person, and moreover every government, needs to grow up and begin
> to become less selfish and certainly less inclined to nepotism. However in
> order to do this every one of us, including our governments, must take
> responsibility for their actions and begin to selflessly love others as
> well as themselves. ALL of us and our governments have issues and actions
> to be ashamed of. Until such time that a Government can demonstrate true
> and honest selflessness, and without pretense find it within themselves to
> have the interest of others as well as themselves truly at heart, then any
> attack of the wrong-doing of the U.S. government rings hollow.
> Please act maturely, everyone.
> Peace and love,
> Sam J.
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